Pioneering street artist Dan Witz is running a Kickstarter campaign to help fund his latest project, “Breathing Room,” a street art intervention to be installed on London’s iconic red telephone booths. Head to his Kickstarter page here to pitch in and check out some of the great great rewards Dan is offering, which include prints, signed copies of his book In Plain View, or even a chance to be featured in the project itself.
“Breathing Room” will be a installation project consisting of paintings installed on the inside of phone booths, depicting a variety of characters in moments of inner peace. Witz says, “Originally — as an extension of my past activism with Amnesty International — the imagery in the phone boxes was planned to further broadcast the plight of tortured and wrongly detained political prisoners across the world. But the recent terror attacks in Europe have had a profound effect on me. All of a sudden the dark and didactic subject matter that characterized my past installations seemed inappropriate. Some breathing room seemed called for.”
Watch the video below for more info, and don’t hesitate to help this amazing artist with his project!