Too Far Gone
Published by Gingko Press Inc.
248 pages, Hardcover
9 3/4" x 9 3/4"
350 B&W photographs, plus personal artifacts,
ISBN: 9781584236214
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Todd Blubaugh quit his job in pursuit of adventure on the open road. His long-planned trip criss-crossing the nation was meant to be an escape and an opportunity to forge a new existence while pursuing his twin passions for photography and motorcycle culture. With the passing of Todd’s parents only days before his expected departure, his journey took on unanticipated gravity. All told, Todd spent six months on the road, touching down in various U.S. cities during his transcontinental trip. His time spent traveling marks a personal sea change, and a period of great self-discovery.
Too Far Gone is the photographic and anecdotal account of his experiences, presented through short vignettes as well as personal letters and artifacts. Threads of human experience weave throughout the text, presented in Todd’s compassionate voice and providing the reader with deep access to every detail of his trip, from the fine points of motorcycle culture to the deeply personal stories he encountered along the road. Too Far Gone breaks with the traditional motorcycle adventure narrative, joining mixed media pieces with a compelling story to create an engrossing visual experience.
Watch a short video about Todd Blubaugh’s studio, The Chun:
Episodes from The Blue Todd Cast:
Adventure Rider Radio: “How Connections Make the Best Motorcycle Adventure Stories” (46:03)
Chop Cult: “Too Far Gone” by Brandon Fischer
Cultura Inquieta: “Too Far Gone, la experiencia de montar en moto hacia la puesta de sol” (Spanish)
Custombike: “Too Far Gone: Foto-Roadtrip Durch Die USA” (German, originally published in the September 2016 issue)
Foreword Reviews: “Book Review – Too Far Gone”
Iron & Air Magazine: “Too Far Gone: Todd Blubaugh Takes the Long Way Home” by Scott G Toepfer (Issue 24)
Jefferson Public Radio: “Learning from Life on the Road” (originally aired January 5th, 2017)
Juxtapoz: “Todd Blubaugh – Too Far Gone” (originally published in the July 2016 issue of Juxtapoz)
Kustom: “Todd Blubaugh – Too Far Gone” (French)
Moab Sun News: “Road Scholar” by Sharon Sullivan
Petrolicious: “This Photographer Rode His ’76 Harley Across America For 6 Months, The Results Are Beautiful” by Florence Walker
Petrolicious: What it’s like to ride a Harley
The Selvedge Yard: “Too Far Gone – Todd Blubaugh’s Journey to Discover Meaning & Soul on the Road”