The Vader Project Auction Catalog
100 Helmets/100 Artists
Marks, Sarah Jo
224 pages, Paperback
8 1/2" X 11 1/2"
900 Illustrations,
ISBN: 978-0-9915790-1-3
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Star Wars fans and art aficionados will enjoy this beautifully conceived catalog based on the landmark exhibition. For this unique project, each artist customized a 1:1 scale authentic prop replica of the actual Darth Vader helmet featured in the STAR WARS films. The customizations run the gamut from top to bottom paint jobs to sculptural alterations and extensive modifications with add-on elements. Artists involved in the project include Gary Baseman, Tim Biskup, Yoko D’Holbachie, Paul Frank, Fawn Gehweiler, Jeremyville, Jesse Hernandez, Simone Legno Ð Tokidoki, J. Otto Seibold, Gary Taxali, Amanda Visell and so many more.