My Jungle Adventure
Published by Viction Viction
40 pages, 20 Cards in Box
5" X 7 1/4"
ISBN: 978-9-88771-496-5
In Stock
This highly interactive and challenging new card game series is designed to inspire imaginative play among young and old alike. Simply roll the dice to determine the genre, draw some cards at random, and use your best improvisation skills to tell an original story based on the content of the card’s artwork, arranged in any sequence. The genres include romance, mystery, humor, fantasy, horror and science fiction. The double-sided cards enclosed are beautifully illustrated with stylized scenes that are sometimes puzzling, at other times menacing — the storyline is totally up to you, so rush headlong into the adventure and let your story unfold! The My Adventure series is sure to be an amusing pastime for years to come amongst family and friends alike.